Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • PeelerSheila
    91 year ago

    I need to vent a bit. Did my exercises just now to make myself feel better after coming home and copping criticism from both my kids and Mr P, all for different reasons. Made me feel really flat mood wise, but the exercises helped a bit. The Elder seems to think that the odd bits of swimming lessons he’s allowed me to give him here and there over the past year or so are enough for him to say that he can swim, so it’s ok for him to go to funfields with the school. He’s always been scared of the water and hates those indoor pools with reeking chlorine, so he’s always refused formal swimming lessons. Miniest is having trouble with her friends at school and can’t find anyone else to play with, so she wants to leave the school at the end of the year 🤦🏻‍♀️ Mr Peeler wanted to grab some cash off me to go get a beer and I had to say no because I’ve only worked 2 days last week, so even though it’s my pay day I have to keep everything tight financially for a bit. Everything is my fault somehow. Sooo tired after a hot day at work. I feel deflated and sort of defeated somehow. Might go have a cup of tea.

    • CEOofmyhouse56
      101 year ago

      Hugs mate. I understand Mr P might have health problems but maybe you could talk to him about preparing some of your dinner (chop up veg eg) so that the load is not left up to you all time because the way I see it if Mr P can have a drink then Mr P can cut up a veg or too. I’m sorry if I’m out of line.

      • PeelerSheila
        71 year ago

        You’re not out of line mate, your comment is perfectly reasonable. I might put it to him actually. I think I’m in that daylight saving jetlag/just had 5 days off/kids are arguing/short on cash/hot and tired from work funk. Lol, should write a song about it. Thanks for the hugs, very greatly appreciated 🙂