They think trans women have an unfair advantage in… fishing?

Three members of an English women’s fishing team in England are refusing to compete at the world championships due to the fact that one of their own teammates is trans.

The Shore Angling World Championships will take place in Italy in November, and the board of the sport’s governing body, the Angling Trust, has said it will not prevent trans angler Becky Lee Birtwhistle Hodges from applying to compete.

  • oo1
    1 year ago

    Fish are extremely sensitive to pheromones, so very possible that differnt levels of hormones impact a fisherperson’s ability to attract giant prehistoric fish

    source: (youtbue documentarty on catching the worlds largest fish

    • @Donjuanme
      31 year ago

      Fucking lol #1 Marine biology source. Approved of by a trained and former marine biologist.

    • kase
      21 year ago

      Even if so, it wouldn’t be an issue if the person is on hrt, right? Speaking as a trans man on hrt, my hormones levels are the same as is normal for a cis man. I have no idea if it works the same for someone taking estrogen, though. Also I dunno anything about fish or fishing. So don’t take my contribution too seriously lmao