Cheap e-ink screen from aliexpress, running esphome pulling data from home assistant every 30 seconds. It got time and date, temperatures, time untill the next buss leaves from the nearest bus stops, range on my car, power usage and price, and the three next items from me and my wifes shared google calendar. I got it framed professionally by a local framing workshop. They were a bit confused and hadn’t done anything similar before, but they did a great job. My wife isn’t always a big fan of my home automation adventures, but she loves this screen!

Edit: For some reason my picture didn’t show up. Link here I think:

  • @[email protected]OP
    42 years ago

    Thanks! The buss data is pulled using the entur integration which gives access to real time info about all public transport it norway. There might be similar services for other countries.

    • @[email protected]
      22 years ago

      Excellent! I’ve been looking into using the Google Transit API for doing something like this. But using local services is an even better idea.