• @Mchugho
    11 months ago

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    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      “Human rights abuses on an unprecedented scale”

      You either don’t believe what you’re writing or you’re engaging in holocaust denial… And denial of so many other atrocities. If you have actual criticism you can present it but this is just awful.

      • @Mchugho
        11 months ago

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        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          So you didn’t actually have any criticism or anything to say? You just wanted to drop some casual holocaust denial, walk it back, and be an ass?

          • @Mchugho
            11 months ago

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          • @Mchugho
            11 months ago

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              • @Mchugho
                11 months ago

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                • @[email protected]
                  21 year ago

                  Okay I’m gonna stop acting nice because it’s completely pointless.

                  I don’t think calling the persecution of the Uyghurs unprecedented is technically wrong, but I rowed back to avoid getting into an unnecessary semantic argument that completely misses the point as we have

                  This is absolutely fucking moronic and the best I can make of it is that you’re trying to say “I can technically claim anything is unprecedented because time is linear and therefore anything that ever happens is unprecedented.” which is the dumbest fucking reddit-brained shit I can imagine.

                  The bit where you lied is when you said I denied the Holocaust, which was also a implicit admission on your side that China are in fact committing genocide right now.

                  The bit where you said China is carrying out human rights abuses on an unprecedented scale is fucking holocaust denial because pretending that a “cultural genocide” where neither the UN nor even the most ardent propagandists at the US state department claim that a single person has been killed is worse than THE SYSTEMIC MURDER OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE is fucking disgusting.

                  I haven’t even touched the fact that all your arguments are completely made up, you’re a fucking holocaust denier even in your own made up scenario.

                  Don’t you people ever get tired of confirming every single stereotype about anglos?

                  • @Mchugho
                    11 months ago

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                  • @Mchugho
                    11 months ago

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                  • @Mchugho
                    11 months ago

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    • KiG V2
      1 year ago

      Do you not think the West, famous for lying abour everything from cigarettes causing cancer to MLK to WMDs in Iraq and anything and everything in between, in their determined mission to destroy countries that do not obey them, killing millions of civilians across the entire globe, would not fabricate some lies about the worst enemy, socialists?

      To try and briefly address your points:

      Sweat shops


      China during the period of Dengism designstated “Special Economic Zones” where capitalism was carefully coralled and allowed to operate. They did this to placate the West and to use their capital to rapidly develop and ensure the longevity of socialism in China. Yes, at many points, there were terrible conditions…the whole country was poor, but most horror tales we hear are from the 90s, from these Special Economic Zones and places like Hong Kong, and are the work not of the Communist Party, but of foreign and domestic capitalists. The winnings of Dengism in the past decade, as promised, have been used to radically uplift the Chinese people; averages wages continue to grow dramatically, China has the fastest growing middle class, they lifted 800+ million people out of extreme poverty, all while retaining very affordable housing, food, healthcare, education, etc. This idea that Chinese workers all work for pennies in sweatshops is dated and obscures how the CPC has secured them lives that are quickly outpacing American living standards by every metric.



      China, according to not just the plain facts but the vast Chinese people themselves, is the strongest democracy out of all major nations. 90%+ of Chinese people trust and are satisfied with the CPC, a party which about 100 million people are an active member in, with proportional rates of women and ethnic minorities not only having membership but high positions. There are few police and they are lightly armed. Both in a micro and a macro scale, the CPC has adjusted policy to reflect the will of the people; every major pivot in Chinese modern history, from the revolution to the ideological Cultural Revolution to pragmatic Dengism and now the period of Hu and Xi where Dengism’s aforementioned winnings were used to benefit society and return to some socialist idealism, was not a top-down decision, it was responding to the wishes of the common Chinese people. As a smaller example, during COVID, both the strict lockdowns and their eventual relaxation were a direct result of the will of the Chinese people. There is a popular political saying in China that goes: “In the USA, you can change between two political parties but you cannot change the policy. In China, you cannot change the political party, but you can change the policy.”

      Human rights abuses


      I’m not sure which purported abuses you are referring to, but judging by your other comments mentioning Xinjiang I will assume you meant Xinjiang.

      This is an actual summary of the “cultural genocide” of the Uighurs in Xinjiang:

      -Xinjiang was poor and undeveloped.

      -USA took advantage and began channeling Taliban into Xinjiang to radicalize susceptible Uighurs to Islamofascism.

      -High increase in terrorism, extremist thought.

      -China, instead of violently reacting, tries to take some responsibility, and says “they became radicalized because of their material conditions”.

      -China begins detaining Islamofascists and suspected Islamofascists to 1) deradicalize and re-educate them, and 2) provide them with free vocational training so they are more economically stable.

      -China also seeks to make the Uighurs feel culturally independent but welcome as part of China as a whole; everything from number of mosques to Uighur culture products has only increased since the campaign began.

      -Campaign sees great success.

      -Enter Adrian Zenz, an American fascist who says he was sent by God to destroy communists and gays, with ties to the CIA.

      -Zenz claims he has anonymous evidence of a genocide.

      -Western media uncritically and dutifully gives these claims a loudspeaker.

      -China responds and says: if any country in the world feels there is a genocide going on, we invite you to show up unannounced to Xinjiang and inspect the facilities for yourself.

      -Zero Western countries take them up on this open-ended offer.

      -You know who does take them up on their offer? Muslim majority countries. Almost every single Muslim country in the world sends people to inspect Xinjiang up and down. And do you know what happened? They unanimously applaud China for their humane and compassionate handling of Islamic fascists.

      -To this day only the USA and its allies have any claims there is a cultural genocide, or ANY human rights abuses, in China. It is their modernized casus belli, it is the way they manufacture consent among Western civilians for more war, war, war.

      The more you look into China–or any socialist country–you will quickly find they rose from oppressed, impoverished circumstances and gone on to do amazing things, goals we in the West have only dreamed of for generations. Peace and prosperity, art and science. An end to poverty, homelessness, hunger. And then? You will find every capitalist and fascist scrambling to build a narrative that they are somehow dystopias from your worst nightmares. You will soon discover: “American accusations are American confessions.”

      • @Mchugho
        11 months ago

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      • @Mchugho
        11 months ago

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