A long while back I was hanging out with one of my sisters and she said that she hears thunder in her head when she gets startled.

Me: “Scuse me. What?”
Her: “You know. That thunder you hear when someone startles you.”
Me: “Again. What?”
Her: “You don’t hear thunder when someone startles you?”
Me: “Uh, no.”
Her: “Oh. I thought that happened to everybody.”

Is this a thing? Does this happen to anybody else out there? She did struggle with depression for much of her life. Could that have had something to do with it?

  • honung
    2 years ago

    I believe this could be the result of the tensor tympani muscle activating, which it tends to do in fight-or-flight situations. It is located in your ear and has the purpose of lowering sounds that may otherwise make you deaf. I remember there was/is a subreddit called r/earrumblersassemble , consisting of people who claimed they could voluntarily “rumble” this muscle, and I happen to be one of them. Anyway, it does resemble a thundering noise, and it does activate when I’m startled.

    • arthOP
      72 years ago

      Hey this happens to me! Something in my ear just twitches for only a second or two and I hear a vibrating sound. It happens randomly and doesn’t seem to be triggered by anything. It’s also pretty rare. Maybe a couple times a month. I never thought that it sounded like thunder though and so didn’t make the connection. This sounds (Haha. See what I did there?) like the most plausible explanation yet.

      • @[email protected]
        32 years ago

        Ears are a pretty vague and complex system with weird acoustics that the brain usually filters out. Tinnitus can happen if the brain fails to filter out some change in the acoustics caused by damage or fatigue or who knows what.

        But both a rumble and white flashes sound a lot like pain reactions. Maybe caused by sudden tensing. Brain just makes these weird sensations when it encounters odd inputs and they might be hard to describe.

        Cold chills and hot burning blush and shudders and all kinds of funny little things often happen because of weirdest reasons.

      • honung
        12 years ago

        I think everyone experiences this every once in a while, but usually forgets about it. I think it’s because the education is limited so it’s hard to explain and normally it’s not severe so you tend not to think about it.

    • Nepenthe
      2 years ago

      Oh, wow, I never knew that was a known thing. I’ve been able to do that my whole life, but never talked about it and never really knew how to describe it even if I wanted to. It’s never happened to me involuntarily, though, and it doesn’t seem to kick in for loud noises. How interesting

      • ansik
        2 years ago

        I had a similar experience until I stumbled upon the subreddit some time ago. Discovering it was a strange mix of liberation and validation. I finally understood that this concept I’d been attempting to articulate to friends and family, only to be met with questioning looks as if they were asking, “Are you okay?”, was indeed a genuine thing.

    • nevernevermore
      52 years ago

      r/earrumblersunite , consisting of people who claimed they could voluntarily “rumble” this muscle, and I happen to be one of them.

      okay how is this the first i’m hearing of this?? I’ve been able to do this as long as I can remember, I didn’t realise not everybody could until this moment

    • BrerChicken
      52 years ago

      I think it’s probably this. I can actually make this muscle vibrate using some of the same muscles you use when you yawn, but I had no idea that it protects your hearing. I also play music and used to tour in some pretty loud bands. Remarkably I don’t have any hearing loss, and actually hear better than many of the high schoolers I teach. (I teach physics so we actually have a section on sound, and we test what frequencies people can hear.) I always felt very lucky that in my mid 40s I’m still hearing well. But I also notice that when things are very loud something seems to “overload” in my ears, and it seems like the sound is being blocked. Maybe I have stronger tympanic tensors?

      • Nepenthe
        2 years ago

        I can do the same and I wonder if you just got lucky. I’ve had a penchant for loud music for decades and I’m only just noticing that my hearing may not be that great as a result. Nothing’s muffled, but the one single time the tinnitus let up I remember being shocked and hopeful it would stay that way (it did not).

    • Naich
      42 years ago

      i just assumed everyone could make that noise in their ears. I didn’t know I was “special”.

    • JunkMilesDavis
      32 years ago

      Same here, never knew it was unusual until the internet informed me. I could just be wired wrong since it also starts kicking off involuntarily in an uncomfortable way when I’m around too much loud conversation.

      • honung
        32 years ago

        That happens to me too. It’s called Tensor Tympani Syndrome (TTTS), which is probably a result of Hyperacusis. There are subreddits for those too. The most important thing is not to overprotect your hearing since that will only make your ear muscles even more sensitive. Feel free to message me if you’re having trouble :) My symptoms used to be quite bad but nowadays I go weeks without thinking about it, so I’m practically cured.

    • HopeOfTheGunblade
      22 years ago

      Yeah, I was in there for a while. It’s a real thing. Some people can roll their tongue, or twist it both ways, some people can cock each eyebrow individually, i can control my tensors. A little.

    • RustledTeapot
      12 years ago

      Oh, it’s like the thing that roosters have that keep their own crows from deafening them.

    • curiosityLynx
      2 years ago

      I can also voluntarily make my ear rumble, but I’ve never experienced it rumbling without willing it to or yawning extra wide.