Wooo, looks like DPReview have been saved. Has anyone heard of Gear Patrol though?

Feels odd that such an instituition of the web needs stewardship by a lesser-known entity.

  • HidingCatOP
    12 years ago

    It is. I’ve been reading DPreview since 2001. It’s a part of the Web for me. Especially back when digital cameras were new and advancing so rapidly, every new month would bring new news that was exciting and novel.

    • RodPhoto
      12 years ago

      Absolutely. I love playing around with old gear so even today I find myself reading their reviews from 10 years ago. AI is likely to make all commercial photography obsolete very soon, but it’s nice to know someone has faith in the subject, even if only for us who will still appreciate going out to find those photos.

      • HidingCatOP
        12 years ago

        I don’t think AI will make commercial photography completely obsolete; there’s still value in photos having a kernel of truth in them, but it may massively reduce the number of professional photographers needed.