You can’t get rid of it, you can only hide it: Microsoft imposes controversial Windows Backup on users::Like it or not, the Windows Backup app installed in Windows 10 and Windows 11 is here to stay, with Microsoft calling it a “system component” that can’t be

  • @ChunkMcHorkle
    1 year ago

    That’s what it says. From the same link as above, just below Step 1:

    Important: You must use a personal Microsoft account with Windows Backup. Work or school Microsoft accounts won’t work.

    I think it’s because to restore you MUST sign in with the same account you backed up with; if you drop out or get fired, you probably won’t have access to that account again. They may also be throwing back any email address with .edu, though that seems a step too far. I haven’t tried, that’s just my guess: they don’t want angry users screaming at them when they can’t get their shit back down from the cloud.