• @JayObey711
    101 year ago

    Yes a world where crackheads can legally carry guns will definitely not lead to violence.

      • @JayObey711
        21 year ago

        Do you think they will not rob people for crack? They are addicts not stupid

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      You think a crackhead gives one single fuck what they are legally allowed to do?

      The crackhead is gonna have a gun whether it’s legal or not (or maybe they’ll sell it for more crack). The gangster that sells them the crack is DEFINITELY gonna have a gun. Laws have no effect on the lawless.
      The question though is you. When you encounter the violent crackhead, do YOU want to have a gun?

        • @[email protected]
          -71 year ago

          A gun is not difficult or complicated to make. Any decent machine shop can make them, especially if you don’t care too much about quality. And unlike a drug lab, the machine shop has a legitimate daytime use so you can set it up in plain sight.

          • @[email protected]
            101 year ago

            especially if you don’t care too much about quality

            You do realize these things are directionally oriented resettable explosives right?

            Every time you fire a round is a fucking explosion going off very close to your hand.

            Someone not caring about quality is gonna wish they had after losing their fingers to an overpacked round.

            • @[email protected]
              11 year ago

              Perhaps, but it depends on the customer. A crackhead who wants a gat probably won’t even know what ammo to load in it. (Apparently it’s somewhat common for police to arrest street criminals with a gun loaded full of the wrong caliber ammunition). And unless you seriously overpack the round or make the barrel out of pot metal, more likely the quality problem that you will get is the gun failing to fire or failing to cycle. Remember though, you are talking about criminals, not people like you and me who care about safety ratings.

            • @[email protected]
              11 year ago

              Therefore, we should acknowledge reality and form policy around that rather than pissing into the wind while pretending we’re doing something useful.

              For example- if you want to attack the lion’s share of gun violence, address the causes of it, rather than the tools used in it. That means address drugs and drug gangs. Decriminalize or legalize drugs, put the gangs and cartels out of business. Treat addicts like patients who need help rather than criminals who need punishment, or at the very least stop locking up non-violent drug users with violent criminals (and thus turning them into violent drug users).
              Let’s also tackle poverty. Poverty is strongly correlated with drug use, so let’s give people some hope and upward mobility so they don’t feel desperate enough to use drugs. Doesn’t work for everybody, but a good intervention that takes a young kid from the hood and gives him opportunity and resources so he has an obvious path to make something of his life will keep an awful lot of kids out of gangs and drugs.

              Of course these solutions require more work and money than passing another law that criminals will ignore and getting your photo taken and saying I Did Something!.

              • Nobsi
                21 year ago

                Don’t forget to also fight the culture around guns.
                “Having a gun means you can defend yourself” is a dangerous thing to let live.
                Being forced to defend yourself from a person with a gun is a thought no child should ever have. And yet here we are. not a week without a shooting happening.

                • @[email protected]
                  11 year ago

                  Being forced to defend yourself from a person with a gun is a thought no child should ever have.

                  I agree 100%. I think it’s a failure of our society that ANY child has to think about defending themself from ANY sort of violence- be it a psycho with a gun, or crime on the street, or a bully who will beat them up. We should aim to do better as a society.

                  But the society I’d consider ideal is not the society we have. We have violent people in our society. A few go psycho and commit mass murder, most don’t. And thus, we do our children a disservice by pretending otherwise.

                  We do a bigger disservice by doing little or nothing to identify violent people and help them become less violent.

                  Blaming the gun is a placebo pill we can take to make ourselves feel better about Doing Something. But it’s like blaming the car for the actions of a drunk driver.

                  “Having a gun means you can defend yourself” is a dangerous thing to let live.

                  It may be dangerous, but it’s also not wrong.

                  If 65yo grandma is approached by a 25yo male thug, she cannot defend herself whether thug is armed or not. The thug is bigger, stronger, and faster than she is.
                  If 65yo grandma is approached by a 25yo male thug, and she has a gun, she CAN defend herself. The worst case scenario for her is he also has a gun, in which case they are physically equal.

                  To be clear- I agree with you that we should not HAVE to defend ourselves. I’d love a society where nobody ever needs a gun. But pretending that society exists when it really doesn’t does nobody any favors.

                  • Nobsi
                    01 year ago

                    Excuse me what? The Grandma is shot dead before she could even pull the trigger.
                    And even if she defends herself then she will probably never live a happy life ever again because she just took a human life.
                    Why is it always Americans who do not understand that guns do kill people.
                    Yes, mental illness might also be an issue but you also dont do shit to solve that issue.
                    You dont even have healthcare. The one thing that could help is just banning guns but since every Jon Fuckwit sees himself as a one man militia we get columbine after columbine. But oh no you cannot take my guns its in my amendment that i am militia and i need my gun gun to defend myself from the bad guys. Two days later is the next shooting in a school, or a parking lot or a super market or on a highway.

                    No single other country that actually manages who can have a gun and who cannot has this problem.
                    While Germany, Canada and France together had 5 School shootings since 2009 the US had 360.

                    Even after Uvalde and 30 dead. Children! Dead children! You just said “oops the mental illness” and did NOTHING

      • @JayObey711
        11 year ago

        Damn it’s crazy that you say that despite there being dozens of countries where crackheads just don’t have guns.