I have had this happen with two scenes by now. These scenes consist of a large tilemap with multiple layers, a player and thats it. The scenes inherit from a LevelBase class I wrote, but that is so simple. that it can’t be the problem. LevelBase just has a open_pause_menu() function and nothing else. Does anyone know why this might be happening?

EDIT: Forgot to translate the message. It says “scene file ‘office.tscn’ seems to be invalid or faulty.”

  • I Cast Fist
    51 year ago

    Version 4.1.2 just dropped, see if the problem persists there (as I’m assuming you’re on 4.1.1) - https://godotengine.org/article/maintenance-release-godot-4-1-2/

    If the problem persists, make a copy of your project, open that office.tscn in a text editor and try to manually remove references to other objects/nodes, saving and trying to open it in Godot, in case the culprit isn’t a circular reference as Zarr pointed out.