Since news leaked out 2 days ago that Facebook has approached Mastodon developers and admins - requiring non-disclosure agreements first - the whole microverse (i.e. mastodon / pleroma etc, the micro-blogging part of fedi) has been talking about nothing but that and Facebook’s imminent entry into the fediverse with an as yet not clearly defined entity called Barcelona or p92. This woud be very roughly comparable to Reddit saying they are going to federate with lemmy.

Yet here on lemmy I could only find a relatively small discussion.

Did the lemmyverse not know or just not care that much?

  • @grue
    251 year ago

    If I’m not mistaken, I think Gab and Parler were also just re-branded ActivityPub Free Software (which sucks, but changing the license to prevent bad actors from using it would make it un-Free and therefore the cure would be worse than the disease). It just goes to show how those hypocrites are happy to claim to be superior in their rugged individualism, but actually just take from others instead of accomplishing anything themselves.

    • @InternetCitizen2
      71 year ago

      undefined> hypocrites are happy to claim to be superior in their rugged individualism

      Few Libertarians would be able to live, let along enjoy living, in Latin America outside of the rich neighborhoods and resorts.

    • @Cannacheques
      21 year ago

      There’s building on what’s already there, then there’s hitting copy and paste…