Mirror: https://files.catbox.moe/ztzk0y.mp4

Source: https://t.me/pidrozdilshadowoficial/94

Translated from source:

Shadow unit discovered two katsap UR-77 (“demining installation”, by the way, which they usually use as a local MLRS) in the forest belt. After the arrival of HIMARS, there was no fire immediately. But the next day, the pilot found that nothing was left of the machines, even the metal burned, unfortunately, and the forest belt burned. We hope the animals managed to escape, and the orcs did not. We continue to work for victory.

The UR-77 is a Soviet self-propelled reactive demining installation, also known as “Meteorite”. It was created on the basis of the self-propelled howitzer 2S1 “Gvozdika”. It is designed to create passages in anti-tank minefields and clear anti-personnel minefields with pressure-activated mines. It can also launch a TNT charge directly at the enemy position or blow up a DOT.

We continue to work for victory.

📺 https://youtu.be/e-g_VZlJPDQ

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Fragment from the film "Apocalypse Today"😎

  • @Alchemy
    101 year ago

    We hope the animals managed to escape, but the orcs did not.

    Save the animals, eliminate the swine.