Welcome to FiveThirtyEight’s politics chat about how serious the democratic primary will be

  • Dick Justice
    42 years ago

    They need to take him very seriously, imho. He’s a whackjob, but he has a last name that gives him a standing ticket on a lot of platforms that can spread his messaging, deceit and manipulation (in my humble opinion) pretty far and wide. No one took Trump seriously for a long time too, and by the time they did, he had an awful lot of momentum and inertia. Dems can’t afford to lose the presidency right now, not just for political purposes, but to offer some semblance of protection for an awful lot of marginalized people. It’s getting really bad out there, really quick. All just my personal opinion of course.

    • dumplesOP
      42 years ago

      I loved the survey that said the exact thing. It’s all name recognition for Kennedy. His crazy ideas aren’t really worth voting for and should be shown.