King oyster cloned to agar in July 2022 from store bought mushrooms. Did a second transfer shortly after to a number of plates and also put some on WBS so I successfully grew some fruits back then.

Then life took over and the agar plates were forgotten for 14 months. As I have some spare time to go back to that hobby now I thought why not? I put some of that myc that I thought was dead on agar, and some on two WBS jars. This one seems to have come back to life, pic is from 7 days ago, it is all fuzzy now so almost time to put it in a bucket with straw or cardboard.

First post on lemmy, and quite new to the whole cloning to agar so I guess this was just luck. I also have another jar and agar plates that seem infected if someone is interested or wants to give me a second opinion.

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    It looks like a proper culture to me based on the picture. I have had great luck reviving oysters after almost a year on refrigerated agar plates (old agar slice into liquid medium), so your experience is not too surprising.