Tucker’s attorneys aim to outline contradictions in Brenda Tracy’s allegations

So Tucker’s lawyers came up with this quote from Brenda Tracy: “Money is my only recourse to make him feel like there is a punishment.” Am I crazy, or is this saying a lot more about her opinion of Tucker and the judicial system than it is anything about her own motives?

  • wjriiOP
    1 year ago

    I debated including the rest of the excerpt, but it’s basically her musing that whatever happens, he should give personally hand her $10k. I doubt she’s particularly wealthy and he is, but that is not any kind of life-changing sum. It sounds like sort of idly hoping for some TV-like moment where he has to feel money leaving his pocket to go to the person he harmed.

    I guess we’ll find out eventually, but I do not know what Tucker hopes to gain here, and his camp again comes off as tone-deaf and insensitive.

    • @smitty825
      41 year ago

      Part of me thinks that the point. He’s never coaching in college again with these accusations. So, my guess is that he is trying to make this as ugly and costly as possible in order to get Michigan State to pay a large percentage of his remaining contract in order to shut him up.