Hi everyone! My name is jack and I will be moving to texas (lewisville) I am going to join community college there to finish my pre-reqs. I am currently in the middle of anatomy and physiology. What are some good tips in joining the best community college for it. Or f you have any other tips please let me know (coming from a cold state so best sunscreen would be a good advice as well 😂)

  • @Whoresradish
    21 year ago

    That is a much more positive outlook on texans then I have…

    I recommend assuming everyone has a gun and remembering black/white racial tensions are still very high in Texas. Also, texans often disguise bad character with friendliness.

    • Skybreaker
      31 year ago

      Are you from Texas? I’ve lived here a long time, and people are more friendly here than anywhere else that I’ve lived.

      • @Whoresradish
        41 year ago

        Born and raised with over 4 complete generations of texans. Left after 25 years. My large family was extremely nice to everyones face and would talk tremendous trash behind your back. Every holiday they would talk about liberals/jews/blacks/mexicans as is tradition. Jokes about executing individuals of those groups were common.

        Being white I’ve dealt with racial slurs and threats from blacks from going in the wrong neighborhood in south Dallas. So there is a general animosity from my experience.

        • Skybreaker
          11 year ago

          I’m sorry that was your experience. That’s really unfortunate. Most people I encounter are very pleasant and kind.