In case it helps anyone else, here’s a little bookmarklet I created using ChatGPT which performs the chore of searching your chosen Lemmy instance for the names of subreddits to which you’re subscribed.

(Modify instance to your chosen Lemmy instance.)

    if (window.location.href !== "") {
    alert("You must be on the page.");
  } else {
    var instance = "";
    var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
    for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
      if (links[i].href.indexOf('+') !== -1) {
        var url = links[i].href;
        var parameters = url.split('+');
        var newUrl = '';
        for (var j = 1; j < parameters.length; j++) {
          newUrl += 'https://' + instance + '/search/q/' + parameters[j] + '/type/Communities/sort/TopAll/listing_type/All/community_id/0/creator_id/0/page/1\n';
        navigator.clipboard.writeText(newUrl).then(function() {
          alert("Copy operation successful! Paste results at (or other multiple URL opening service.)");
        }, function() {
          alert("Copy operation unsuccessful!");

I got the idea from this bookmarklet which copies your Lemmy subscriptions if you decide to change instances.

I think it could be improved by providing links to something like to search instead, but I couldn’t figure out how to pass the subreddit name parameter in the Url.

  • @possiblylinux127
    02 years ago

    This is overkill. Just search it on your instance under the all tag