I’m curious what little neat things you guys have found or adopted while playing.

Could be for base building, finding ships or multitools, or whatever.

What’s your favorite?

Edit: I recently found out you can shut down Sentinels on a dissonant world, but the dissonant resonators stay up, so you can run around whacking all of them without retaliation. Lots of frolicking from group to group picking up loot from dead Sentinels and unarmed dissonant resonators.

It also completes all the Autophage “kill 8 sentinels” quests in one go if you’ve stacked up on those.

  • @Phegan
    21 year ago

    It creates a burst of speed allowing you to move faster than you otherwise could.

    • @IonAddisOP
      11 year ago

      Didn’t know that, thank you!

      • @Phegan
        21 year ago

        I won’t do it justice via a text description, but there are YouTube videos that include it as a tip.

        • @IonAddisOP
          11 year ago

          YouTube’s been bitching about adblockers recently, so I’ve low-key been avoiding them :: insert howling wolf-cub meme here ::

          I imagine with some fooling around I can figure it out now that I know it exists.