• @Eldritch
          11 year ago

          Go out and find a person of average intelligence. Then weep when you realize that most people are dumber than that.

          • Xylight
            41 year ago

            Wouldn’t that be median? If you found the average person it will still be pretty normal intelligence.

            • @Eldritch
              1 year ago

              Are you sure it isn’t the mode? All mathematical joking aside. The median would likely be much more representative of most people. The average is easily skewed by outliers.

              Even if most intelligence measures / tests weren’t horribly flawed. Most people cluster closer to the bottom than the upper bound. But every gifted outlier pulls the average higher and higher above most people. Hence the average being above most people.

              • just adding this in for a point of reference. But it is a paraphrasing/reference to a George Carlin skit.

              “imagine how stupid the average person is then realize half of all people are stupider than that.”

      • downpunxx
        121 year ago

        “a cool machine” does not fit Trump’s manufactured fantasy of representing “the republican everyman against the elites”, you see. His low information electorate doesn’t know what a gaming pc is, and wouldn’t trust anyone who has one, just because they are dirt dumb and like it that way.