This comes to no surprise to anyone who has played their Persona series or Catherine. I’m just bringing it up again because I went back to play Persona 3 Portable because of all the remake news and while P3P might have the least overall issues it does still have a transwomen being portrayed as a predator. They also having the character have stubble as their not so subtle way of point out this character is trans.

Like I said there are way worse examples in their games. Persona 4 has a FTM character where the main character can active force to basically detransition.

Then there is Erica from Catherine. I love Erica and they way the character make back handed comments and even make fun of a character for dating her really irritates me.

Anyways rant over. What are your thoughts on this?

  • Dodie
    12 years ago

    Persona 4 was difficult for me to play. There’s Naoto like you mentioned, but Kanji realizing he isn’t actually queer at the end of his social link felt like a huge bait and switch.

    I know a lot of people love Persona 4 and will say that Naoto was never meant to be trans (and instead plays with masculinity to be taken seriously as a woman in her professional field) and Kanji was never meant to be gay (and instead has a feminine side and that’s okay), but I don’t think we’re “just reading into things,” right? If Kanji was never meant to be gay, I’m not sure why the writers felt the need to make his dungeon a gay bathhouse. Write something more relevant to his journey about being a gender-nonconforming man instead?

    But I do think the arcs we got with Naoto and Kanji related to gender nonconformity are worthwhile, and it’s great if people find that meaningful. I just wish they could have written that without the queerbaiting.