• Nepenthe
    1 year ago

    Lmao, do they actually try to eat it or is it just to make you chase them?

    My favorite one was just a strip of jerky, so it wasn’t exactly surprising for mine to steal, but it lives on in memory because we called her name and she froze solid in midstep. And you could see the split second decision being made in her head before she bolted off faster than I have seen her run from the pizza guy.

    The cogs were visibly turning between “delicious meat product” and “thing I am not supposed to do” and for some reason that was so funny I can’t even be mad.

    • Xusontha
      61 year ago

      No he actually just starts feasting on whatever bite he managed to snag; I have to stand up to eat waffles sometimes because he tries so hard to eat them

      • Nepenthe
        61 year ago

        Standing in the middle of the room to eat is standard cat ownership. I have to do that with oatmeal and cereal.

        Thank god this one isn’t as smart as my last cat, either, because if I refused to pick him up he’d just climb up me and force the issue. There’d be no peace if she realized she could do that to reach food.