I was thinking of getting a 519A DD CCT-shift for the giggles of having that much high-CRI rosy light. What’s everybody else getting?
I was thinking of getting a 519A DD CCT-shift for the giggles of having that much high-CRI rosy light. What’s everybody else getting?
Nothing, probably.
I have so far found two use cases for channel switching that I like. First: tint mixing, like in my LT1. Second: alternating between flood and throw, like in my D2 (3500K 519A and W1).
But I haven’t really felt like I wanted tint mixing in a flashlight, and the pattern of LEDs in the M44 don’t really lend themselves to throw. It might be different if each channel got two four-led clusters, so you could put different optics on each cluster,
On top of that, I already have a D18, which probably puts out more light than an M44, even with just SST-20s in the D18.
So I just can’t come up with an M44 configuration that feel compelling enough for me to want to drop money on it.
What’s the M44’s rampdown like compared to the D18 though. That’s the real question. For some, the sustained lumens of boost drivers is a draw.