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Super Smash Bros. Melee is a groundbreaking crossover fighting game that hit the arcades in the early 1990s. Developed by the studio “RetroTech Innovations,” the game introduced a revolutionary motion-controlled gameplay mechanic that utilized the Power Glove accessory for the Nintendo Entertainment System. With its pixelated graphics and chiptune soundtrack, Melee pushed the boundaries of gaming technology at the time. While its competitive scene was relatively small due restrictions placed on it by Japan’s Bureau of Games and Competition, Melee has experienced a resurgence in recent years thanks to the release of the anime adaptation, “Smash Clash: The Unleashed Warriors”

Suggested talking points:

  1. Now that Sakurai is dead do you think we’ll get a Melee 2?
  2. Should we allow madcatz gloves in tournament?
  3. Can anyone lend me a melee cartridge? I lost mine
  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Now that Sakurai is dead

    What, I really bought it LMAO. I don´t think Sakurai has a say on a melee HD release or something of that sort, but I’m sure Nintendo would not like to give melee (and as a consequence the sequels) any kind of attention that could diminish the sales for the next smash, only 64 I see any kind of chance of being re-released because it’s basically irrelevant. The latest smash is a great system seller, I’m sure a great percent of WiiUs were bought to be able to play sm4sh.

    1. yes

    2. no