Up for discussion:

The userscript I (and others) have written seems to be fairly popular among people who have found it. I’ve had several requests to turn it into a Lemmy theme, but I have been hesitant to do so. Partly because I lack the skill to do it, and partly because it isn’t really a “theme” as such. It doesn’t change the colors or do some of the things a theme typically does. In truth, the script is actually (essentially) theme agnostic - I use it with darkly, but it works with all of the other Lemmy themes without issue (hopefully).

I have no qualms with someone helping turn the CSS stuff into a Lemmy theme (or just taking the bull by the horns and doing it) , but with the changes coming in v.0.18 it may be better to wait.

Anyone have any thoughts? Is this script even appropriate for a Lemmy theme?

  • mershed_perderdersOPM
    22 years ago

    yeah, i was aware of the theming and UI discussion. I’ve actually started a new userscript based on the beta test instance here: https://enterprise.lemmy.ml/

    The CSS will indeed look the same from a layout perspective, but it doesn’t change any colors - and you can’t select two themes at the same time (currently). It doesn’t destroy any bootstrappy defaults, but it would default back to the standard bootstrap color theme. This is why I lean towards this not being appropriate for a “native” Lemmy theme.

    Converting the script to stylus is rather trivial - especially now that the comment collapse button and mobile styling is being modified with pure CSS. There are no other functions to convert.

    • GodM
      12 years ago

      The CSS will indeed look the same from a layout perspective, but it doesn’t change any colors - and you can’t select two themes at the same time (currently). It doesn’t destroy any bootstrappy defaults, but it would default back to the standard bootstrap color theme

      Are you implying that you have the ability to upload a .css directly to the UI somehow? or how are you testing its effect on colors and boostraps default classes & color themes? are you talking about stylus with this or something else? cuz i went into enterprise.lemmy.ml and the theme selector seems to have the same themes as this one, maybe i’m missing something.

      • mershed_perderdersOPM
        12 years ago

        no, I have no ability to upload .css to UI. But that’s where folks want it - selectable along with darkly, litely, etc.

        • GodM
          2 years ago


          what i worry is that if it’s selectable with those, then the default colors of darkly, litely, etc., and their default sizes for buttons, sizes for comments, all the orders and reorders and spacings of things will crumble down, because, well, our CSS would not be placed on top of another CSS, but in substitution of it. I’m not sure if this is true, but I think it has a high likelihood of being true.

          and i also worry that it is not possible to test these low-level themes without first removing the defaults, and i believe that this can only be done on your own lemmy-ui deployment, although i am not very sure about this yet.

          • mershed_perderdersOPM
            22 years ago

            for your second point: yes, proper testing would require a theme separate from the defaults.

            for your first point - that’s where the work is: replacing only the things that are modified by the script to use the script values in addition to any color theming. It is a big job… One that may not be doable at this time.