Would you hold Israel to the same standard? They invaded the Palestinian territories in 1967, have held them under military occupation for over half a century since and in that time have killed rather a lot more Palestinian civilians than vice versa.
But sensible people do not use that as a pretext to say a blanket ‘fuck Israel’, because it is unhelpful, unconstructive and racist to blame an entire people for war crimes committed by members of their military. But I’m curious if you apply your logic on Palestine to the other side too?
Israel began its occupation in 1947 when the soon-to-be state began ethnically cleansing the lands - removing the Indigenous locals out of their homes and villages. Yes - this sparked the 1948 war, which resulted in even more land being occupied. This issue did not begin with the 1948 war.
White people killing brown: 👍
Brown people killing white: 👎
Who killed more innocent people: Israel or Palestine?
Israel is an apartheid state.
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Would you hold Israel to the same standard? They invaded the Palestinian territories in 1967, have held them under military occupation for over half a century since and in that time have killed rather a lot more Palestinian civilians than vice versa.
But sensible people do not use that as a pretext to say a blanket ‘fuck Israel’, because it is unhelpful, unconstructive and racist to blame an entire people for war crimes committed by members of their military. But I’m curious if you apply your logic on Palestine to the other side too?
Who has ruled over the other with military occupation, routinely unhoused, tortured, killed and terrorized the other for 70+ years?
Who decided they wanted the land and proceeded to ethnically cleanse the towns to make room for their own people?
Don’t turn a blind eye.
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Israel began its occupation in 1947 when the soon-to-be state began ethnically cleansing the lands - removing the Indigenous locals out of their homes and villages. Yes - this sparked the 1948 war, which resulted in even more land being occupied. This issue did not begin with the 1948 war.
You will not get a response. Captain patriot probably just smashed his keyboard into dust.
That’s okay, I’m not trying to get a response! Just trying to make sure people think about this with less bias.
*or phone!
Can’t wait to see your posts about Israel’s retaliation and all the innocents they kill.
You… will post about them, right?