Almost half of a federal government panel that helps develop US nutritional guidelines has significant ties to big agriculture, ultra-processed food companies, pharmaceutical companies and other corporate organizations with a significant stake in the process’s outcome.

The revelation is part of a new report from US Right to Know, a government transparency group that looked for ties to corporate interests among the 20-member panel of food and nutrition experts that makes recommendations for updating the US government’s official dietary guidelines.

It found nine members had ties to Nestlé, Pfizer, Coca-Cola, the National Egg Board and other prominent food lobby groups, among others. The findings raise questions about whether the panel is looking out for Americans’ health or corporate profits, and “erodes confidence in dietary guidelines”, said Gary Ruskin of US Right to Know.

“Millions of Americans’ lives are affected by this report and it’s crucial that the report tell the truth to American people and it’s not degraded into another sales pitch for big food and big pharma,” he said.

  • King
    -101 year ago

    Your cynicism is useless and even irritating. The purpose of commenting is contributing to the subject.

    • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
      41 year ago

      Yes, and I thought the fact that the food pyramid was bullshit made up by the corn lobby was common knowledge.

    • @pete_the_cat
      31 year ago

      Your pedantism is useless and even irritating. The purpose of commenting is contributing to the subject.

      • King
        -41 year ago

        Pointing out the one purpose of commenting is pedantism? Ok contrarian. And why are you regurgitating my comment? If you had made the effort to read it, your comment wouldn’t have been made, ironically.

        • @pete_the_cat
          11 year ago

          You need to get the stick out of your ass buddy. Not every comment needs to “add something to the conversation”. People make comments as jokes, like me copying your comment, but you clearly don’t understand jokes.

          • King
            1 year ago

            You’re the one who needs to get the stick out of his ass, imagine if 380 upvoters were self centered enough to comment their “funny” jokes, comment section would be unusable. Original comment wasn’t even a joke, just cynicism. Stop being a self centered twat and follow basic etiquette, you’re not that funny

            • @pete_the_cat
              11 year ago

              Damn, I see it’s lodged way up there, you may want to see a doctor about that!

              Apparently you’ve never been on Reddit either.

              • King
                1 year ago

                Nice retort, no arguments, no wonder you defend shitty comments you aren’t capable of anything better. Also reddit being bad is an excuse for you to do the same here? Can you like type 1 smart thing for once?

                  • King
                    01 year ago

                    stay out of my inbox then, pretend to be the funny clown elsewhere

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Holy shit after going through your comment history I can see you’re busy fighting the good fight. Good luck fighting cynicism and technology/windows hate, I couldn’t take it anymore and just blocked like all the tech forums here, the people are insufferable to anything against their echos.

      • King
        -21 year ago

        Wym windows is one time payment, stable, easy to use and no devs target linux, hannah montana OS maintained by Derek is free and open source.

        • @[email protected]
          31 year ago

          Bro I use both windows and Linux I’m just not a fanboi of either so I’m sorry I don’t fit within your world of extremes.

          I run windows with straight defender built in and I’ve never gotten a virus. Hell, last time I got a virus on windows I was like 17 and downloading pirated games. Ever since I got a job and could afford to buy my games on steam I’ve been fine.

          You guys blow this shit way out of proportion for just some Linux love. Which while a beautifully efficient OS, sometimes you just want to use a more polished ecosystem.

        • King
          1 year ago

          No viruses unless u install random exes and what do updates break? And how are weekly updates a negative? Do you like out of date software? Is that what linux is like? Youre scraping the bottom of the barrel for arguments. Sounds like youre the one vulnerable to viruses without weekly updates lmao