I didn’t really intend to get into modding communities here, much like I imagine many others didn’t, but since I’m doing so, I can’t help noticing the mod tools are pretty basic.

Some improvements I think I’d like would probably be:

  • View modlog by community, so when you click the modlog at the bottom of a community’s sidebar, it filters down to that community.
  • An option to review a moderated post’s contents without having to go to the modlog. This would be really useful in moderation teams to see why your teammates removed/moderated a post/comment.
  • A separate suspend option for misconduct that’s not outright banworthy. I’ve seen some bans in modlog that suggest it may be used like suspending, but that’s not really intuitive imo.
  • Multiple post/comment selection. Right now this is pretty low priority, but if ever waves of spam come up, this would be pretty critical to clearing out spam.

These are just a few that come to mind. What are some others you’ve had occur to you?

  • @Tag365
    1 year ago

    Where’s the option to change who is a mod of a community? What if I’m more interested in letting others moderate something and want to resign?

    • @generalrose
      21 year ago

      Or just the option to add additional mods

    • Alice
      01 year ago

      Yea and what about the mod tool to mass perma ban everyone per second? Like what the hell