Yeah, you’re right. I googled them after I wrote the comment, they look quite different. They’re not common where I’m from, so this picture was the first time I saw them. Wikipedia says they’re a cross between raspberries and blackberries, which make me think of boysenberries,which I love, but they are apparently a cross between blackberries and dewberry. I wish tayberries were more common here, I would love to taste them! I do like a nice jam with my cheese.
Tay berries are actually quite long, they don’t look like this picture. At least the ones I picked like 20 years ago were.
Yeah, you’re right. I googled them after I wrote the comment, they look quite different. They’re not common where I’m from, so this picture was the first time I saw them. Wikipedia says they’re a cross between raspberries and blackberries, which make me think of boysenberries,which I love, but they are apparently a cross between blackberries and dewberry. I wish tayberries were more common here, I would love to taste them! I do like a nice jam with my cheese.