• Optional
    69 months ago

    Ehh . . sort of?

    Appealing a ban for a social media post is . . . I dunno. Weird.

    • @HardlightCerealOP
      69 months ago

      Well in this case, my best guess is I’ve been banned because I contacted a mod team that doesn’t want to hear from me. Problem is, they’re leaking sensitive chats from back when I was a mod and using them to attack me on other platforms. I asked them to stop. I’m a victim of harassment, but they probably reported me and the Reddit employees don’t care enough about doing their jobs to investigate. I’ve been in situations like this before, and I was able to resolve it through the appeals process. But that’s not going to happen if they don’t tell me precisely why I’ve been banned or let me appeal it.

      • @jarfil
        19 months ago

        they’re leaking sensitive chats from back when I was a mod and using them to attack me on other platforms. I asked them to stop. I’m a victim of harassment, but they probably reported me and the Reddit employees don’t care

        A surefire way to make a company care, is to sue them. Just saying.

        • @HardlightCerealOP
          09 months ago

          I already contacted the police about the situation and they said it’s not illegal. And I’m way too poor to sue a billion dollar company.

          • @jarfil
            9 months ago

            IANAL, but if they’re using private conversation contents without your permission to harass you… that sounds illegal to me.

            And you don’t need to be rich to sue anyone. To win the case, maybe, but not just to sue.

            • @HardlightCerealOP
              09 months ago

              The law doesn’t exist to protect people, it exists to protect capital. If you’re expecting to law to help trans people deal with abuse, you’re looking up the wrong tree.