I started watching Dr who when the reboot was 3 seasons in, I think David Tennant was the greatest doctor. A few years later I finally got wife to give it a shot as I started a fresh rewatch in preparation for Matt Smith’s second season, she was ok with Eccelston and Tennant but Matt Smith is far and away her favorite doctor. Does this pattern hold true for any other Dr fans?

  • @Myriadblue
    72 years ago

    Started watching before Tom Baker’s Dr. Who, but it only clicked when he became the doctor for me.

    • @[email protected]
      32 years ago

      Tom Baker. Then Peter Davison (Tristan!) celery on the lapel and all. Then Eccleson. Then Capaldi.

        12 years ago

        All Thing Great And Small! Loved that show when I was a kid and it was on our local PBS station.

    • eraitch
      22 years ago

      Me too - Jon Pertwee was my first (older siblings) but Tom Baker was the one when I reached the right age I think