Bortle 5

SVBONY SV503 80ED with flattener, ZWO Duoband filter, ZWO ASI533MC Pro, Askar FMA180 guide scope, ZWO ASI120MM-mini guide camera, EQ6-R Pro mount.

Orchestrated the shot with NINA

Lights: 28*300 sec , Darks: 10x, Flats: 80x , Biases: 30x

Pixsinght for stacking, channel separation, BXT, NXT, HOO Pixel Math to convert to H, S, and O, LRGB recombine L>L, H>R, S>G, O>B, Starnet 2, curves, saturation, green channel boost, minor BXT and NXT, add stars back.

Recently acquired BXT and NXT. Finally dialing in the process!

  • @lefty7283M
    31 year ago

    always like seeing these narrowband(ish) palettes come out of osc cams!