In Star Wars Rebels, there was an E-XD-series infiltrator droid that could quickly take inventory of everything in a Rebel warehouse. With the advanced object recognition capabilities of modern AI, it’s only a matter of time before an app for Android can accurately and rapidly identify and store objects in real-time from video capture. This could be similar to a home inventory app where users only need to capture video and move around the house instead of taking pictures and labeling items. When do you think such an app will become available? Also, what is the closest app available right now?

edit: I didn’t say offline or on-device, I don’t know why everyone assumes that. I mean a service offered through an Android app.

    • @over_clox
      61 year ago

      We’re not talking about image rendering, we’re talking about image recognition. Although they may seem related, they are not.

      It’s one thing to sling a 3D model and textures to a GPU, but it’s totally a different thing to take a photo and sling it against a humongous AI model being run at a datacenter with billions of images to compare it to.

      • @[email protected]
        41 year ago

        image recognition is also done on gpus, a powerful enough gpu on say, a phone can do a variety of ai tasks

        a mobile integrated intel gpu can already do facial recognition on a video stream for example

        data centers have to be big because they centralize a lot of work

        • @over_clox
          1 year ago

          Recognizing a face is one thing, that’s more or less just knowing certain geometries. Recognizing who that face actually is, or what model car that is, or whatever, requires processing through a huge database of information.

          Also, as of right now, not all AI systems are even smart enough to distinguish a human from a monkey. They both have faces yo…

            • @over_clox
              11 year ago

              No shit Watson, that’s my whole point. AI as anyone today knows it is cloud based, meaning you’re tethered to the internet. Your device can’t process it all by its little measly lonesome self.

                • @over_clox
                  21 year ago

                  Again, we are not discussing generating AI, we are discussing recognizing images from a camera. That requires parallel processing and many terabytes, if not even petabytes of images to compare to.

                  You got a petabyte of storage and a 1024 core processor to scavenge through all those images to tell you that the picture of your butt plug looks like a purple booty packer 3000?

                  • @[email protected]
                    31 year ago

                    Modern ai only needs those images to learn features and to project that on embeddings. I do not disagree with your assessment but you are talking about reverse image searching and not about neural nets.

                  • @[email protected]
                    1 year ago

                    again, look up frigate. its similar although not the same as what you describe.

                    you dont need that much hardware to do ai, im not really saying the average joe will train huge intricate models for personal use on his laptop/phone.