• PeelerSheila
    81 year ago

    The Minipeelers just presented me with all their cash savings and asked me very nicely if they can have new Halloween costumes. Elder wanted a Scream costume with retractable bladed knife and Miniest wanted a Headless Horseman costume 😂 We have a party at home every year, just our household and no trick or treating. Looks like it’s gonna be crazy this year!

    Side note: somewhat dismayed by the girls and women’s costumes. The girls costumes were all “cutesy little skirt” type things, and the women’s costumes were all sexy nun/nurse/dead person/anything with a short skirt and thigh high stockings. Miniest is a classic “tomboy” (for want of a better term) and I’m overweight and middle-aged… we ain’t no shortie skirt wearers and I’m more than happy to leave that look to those more appropriately aged/proportioned to wear it!

      • PeelerSheila
        1 year ago

        We have an adult sized skeleton onesie that Mr Peeler likes to put on for a time. Retro daggy horror movies and junk food are enjoyed by all. Later on when the kids are finally in bed we watch the late movies like “Vampyros Lesbos,” “Patrick,” Rocky Horror etc. If it’s Kitch or B-grade and Aussie, we love it!

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          Do you get many trick or treaters coming round? We’ve only been back in Melbourne for a couple years and it’s pretty dead where we are unfortunately.

          I would much prefer the undead

          • PeelerSheila
            21 year ago

            It’s pretty quiet where I am too. No point in the kids going trick or treating as most people just aren’t into it around here. I mean there’s the odd house that puts up some decorations but few and far between.

          • Catfish
            21 year ago

            If you use FB check your local community group. Some do maps of people who agree to be trick or treated, others do the orange balloon on the letterbox thing.

            • @[email protected]
              11 year ago

              Yeah we carve the pumpkins 🎃 and drag our skeleton out the closet hehe.

              ( I did roast the pumpkin seeds one year which was kinda good)

              • Catfish
                11 year ago

                We have wrapped loot only rules. Which I totally understand, but there are soooooo many demented things I could make if let loose

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      I’m a mouse… duh https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PuNEzWXMiZo

      Edit: For the headless horseman costume they could have a long oversized shirt or tunic with their head sticking out of the middle. Supporting the ‘upper body’ at the top might be tricky… a pillow stuffing it would flop back and forth.

      Maybe glue the shirt on a small cardboard box as if the box was wearing it, cut a hole through both in the centre for the face window, then lower the box onto their head like a helmet. The sides of the box will sit on their shoulders (you may need to cut curves into the edges for comfort and stability) and the length of the shirt will cover their body.

      For arms you can stuff flesh coloured stockings and stitch straight lines for fingers, and just sew or glue them into the sleeves and to the shirt for ‘holding’ the kid’s head. Crumpled paper can be glued to the box through the neck hole and reddened with poster paint for the stump.

      Alternatively they can just wear a pumpkin on their head

      • PeelerSheila
        31 year ago

        That’s a great idea. Of course she’ll change her mind about what she wants to be half a dozen times between now and then!