• @Toldry
    9 months ago

    Hamas launched a surpise attack on Israel yesterday, invading by land air and sea.

    They massacered over 300 people, injured thousands, and abducted tens more.

    Some of the victims are soldiers, the vast majority are civilians.

    They cut up, desecrated and paraded the bodies of Israelis in their streets while chanting and cheering.

    They fired thousands of rockets indiscriminately on Israeli cities hoping to cause as many civilian casualties as possible.

    There is place to criticize Israel and their crimes agains Palestinians. There is no place to condone Hamas.

    Hamas are terrorsists, and it disgusts me to my core to see Lemmy cheer on these bloodthirsty ghouls.

      • @[email protected]
        69 months ago

        So these people, who were born and raised in Israel and who know no other homes, should go… where, exactly?

        Yeah. What you’re arguing for is genocide.

        • @[email protected]
          -29 months ago

          Not a single tear for the Palestinian families torn apart or flat out murdered to house that person. Because violence is OK when its on your side.

            • @SirQuackTheDuck
              9 months ago

              It’s not genocide, and little details are knows as to why they were killed. The ones struck by rockets are the casualties of war, just like Russian citizens who annexed The Krim (or were born there) could die there if Ukraine is fighting to take the land back.

              I don’t know how it went down on the streets. Shooting on fleeing citizens is still a no-go in respect to the Geneva Convention (Palestine has agreed to all terms, Israel has not 1), which is unlikely given the low number of deaths on the Israeli side, versus the Palestinian side [2].

              It would seem likely that the additional deaths were of civilians who were attacking those taking part in the conflict, which revokes them of the protections granted to civilians.

              It’s a complicated conflict, and I’m just making assumptions (as are you), but comparing casualties on both sides and hearing the atrocious stories of the Israeli government beating down innocent Palestines on their own grounds, does give me a tendancy to lean towards Palestine more.

              [2]: see sibling post.

              • @Redditiscancer789
                19 months ago

                That’s a great long grouping of words to say “I didn’t do enough research”.

                Those bodies in tents at the rave sure looked like they were trying to fight back spread eagle on the ground with bullet holes in their backs.

              • @[email protected]
                39 months ago

                Charming. And another deflection. You know exactly that I’m referring to you supporting Hamas being allowed to carry out the genocide they continually and explicitly call for.

                • @[email protected]
                  -39 months ago

                  you seem to want to conveniently ignore that there is plenty of evidence that Israel is equally genocidal in their actions and words.

              • Iceblade
                -19 months ago

                If Israel had decided that they wanted a genocide of the Arab peoples in the Palestine area, there would not be any Arabs living there. Instead some 30% of Israeli citizens are ethnically Arab and the populations in the W.B and Gaza are constantly growing.

                The IDF usually goes to a lot of effort to avoid unneccessary civilian casualties and the state of Israel goes to a lot of effort to maintain standards of living for Arabs in independent Gaza and the W.B autonomous areas.

                In fact, I might even say that Israel cares more about the lives of civilians in the Gaza strip than Hamas does.