I’m sure many of you will have products you only buy when they are cheaper than usual; especially with inflation being what it is. As such, is there a pattern to when supermarkets change which products are on special offer?

Where I used to live in New Zealand, specials would change on Monday at both the big supermarket chains, but it seems to be different here. Can anyone shed some light on it for me?

  • @Psymonkee
    2 years ago

    Used to work at Morrisons and (2 years ago) the deals would be setup to expire on Tuesday and start fresh on a Wednesday for the bulk of them.

    Of course there was always exceptions for weekend deals, seasonal deals (think Valentines/Mothers/Fathers day) and the like.

      • @Psymonkee
        12 years ago

        Good to know, I was stuck on tills with an ever dwindling roster of competent staff. Airways fascinated me watching change overs being done though :)