Israel was taken by surprise by the most ambitious operation Hamas has ever launched from Gaza.

The scale of what’s been happening is unprecedented. Hamas breached the wire that separates Gaza from Israel in multiple places in the most serious cross-border attack Israel has faced in more than a generation.

It came a day after the 50th anniversary of the surprise attack by Egypt and Syria in 1973 that started a major Middle East war. The significance of the date will not have been lost on the Hamas leadership.

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says his country is at war and will exact a heavy price from its enemies.

Videos and photos of dead Israelis, civilians as well as soldiers, are all over social media.

  • UltraMagnus0001
    359 months ago

    GB and the allies said, hey we’ll put you here in Israel since 2000 years ago the Pharaohs made you slaves. Don’t mind the people living here, they’ll just move. They did the same thing with India and Pakistan. I wonder how the animosity between these groups started?

    • @punseye
      39 months ago

      While Britain did make the matters worse but we must not forget that Hindus and Muslims have been at war with each other for a millennium now.

      Same for Jews and Muslims.

      People also want to indulge in political correctness and give free pass to Islamic scriptures which promotes hatred against Jews and Polytheists (Hindus).

      That’s why you’ll find Muslims in Israel and India living largely peacefully but Hindus in Pakistan and Jews in Palestine continue to face atrocities.

      In fact Hindus don’t even have freedom of religion in India as many of our sacred Hindu sites were destroyed by Islamic invaders and mosques were built upon them.

      Today’s conflict between India and Pakistan is basically Hindus in conflict with ex-Hindus who converted to Islam to escape from Jizya (Islamic tax) and other forms of atrocities.

      Another thing that makes India unique is that it has somehow retained some bits of it’s culture even after the repeated Islamic invasions, that’s not the case with other 50 odd Islamic countries. Spain might be the only other exception.

      So, these are centuries old conflicts which Britishers exploited well.

      • @mlg
        -29 months ago

        Hindus in Pakistan

        Lol no. They keep close relations with the army for protection because they’re such a small minority. Meanwhile muslims in India face the stupidity of the BJP and muslims in Israel face the wrath of whosoever turn it is to go raid Al Aqsa again.

        Also it wasn’t Britain’s idea to split the country. That was a stance of the Muslims. Britain did exploit the tensions between them to prevent them from rebelling against the British Raj. Then they did a 180 when they no longer had a need to keep India under brutal occupation.

        All in all Pakistan and India came out far far better than Israel and Palestine.

        Hindus in conflict with ex-Hindus Straight outta r/Chodi lmaooooo

        • @punseye
          9 months ago

          lol you do realise that every pakistani was once a hindu? like literally some Pakistanis have hindu surnames! Pakistanis have hindu surnames like Choudhary, Rajput and Army Cheif also has a Hindu surname “Bajwa”.

          The only reason why Pakistanis are Muslims is because their Hindu ancestors surrendered, and couldn’t pay jizya to invading Turks/Arabs.

          • @mlg
            19 months ago

            lol you do realise that every pakistani was once a hindu?

            Punjabis and SIndhis sure, probably not Balochis or Pashtuns.

            Also you’re exclaiming this like it was a bad thing and people actually regretted converting. Trading a shitty caste system for not paying tax is a win-win.

            Like I said, something straight outta r/Chodi lol.

    • @SCB
      29 months ago

      Terrorism is not the means to combat this. Murdering and kidnapping civilians is never excusable.

      • @Madison420
        119 months ago

        You’re aware that terrorism is how Israel became Israel. Look into proto Israeli bombings of civilian targets.

        On 22 July 1946, Irgun bombed the British administrative headquarters for Palestine, which was housed in the southern wing[142] of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem.[143][144][145] A total of 91 people of various nationalities were killed and 46 were injured.[146] The hotel was the site of the Secretariat of the Government of Palestine and the Headquarters of the British Armed Forces in Mandatory Palestine and Transjordan.

        • @dasgoat
          99 months ago

          Reason why Netanyahu is such a cunt is because he’s still miffed that he had to miss out on the good old days when his inspirations still bombed left and right

      • @Clown_Tempura
        99 months ago

        So what is the solution? Rolling over and dying as Israel genocides them in slow-motion while the rest of the world looks on and shrugs? Hamas is a putrid, evil organization, but the Palestinians have no other options. No one gives a shit what’s happening to them.

        • @SCB
          -89 months ago

          if you can’t personally negotiate a two state treaty you can’t say that terrorism is wrong.


      • Applesauce
        39 months ago

        Terrorism to one group is freedom fighting to another.

          • @Custodian1623
            89 months ago

            disgusting that people defend this because “Israel bad.” get a grip, Hamas would do the same to you if you were in their path.

            • @SCB
              9 months ago

              I even largely agree with the claim “Israel bad.” This is not how you get Israel to stop doing the bad things.

              This is just totally fucked.

              • @dasgoat
                09 months ago

                deleted by creator

              • @Madison420
                -19 months ago

                Yeah it has been for decades and decades but suddenly because Israel actually gets hurt for once in like what 60 fucking years it’s a step too far.

                • @SCB
                  19 months ago

                  When either side has murdered civilians, I have called that side out. Terrorism is not acceptable

                  • @Madison420
                    09 months ago

                    Terrorism is a staple of human life and always has been. We’ve reduced that somewhat but it still remains.

                    This is simply what happens when you run an apartied state.

                  • prole
                    -19 months ago

                    If you truly believe this about yourself, go take a look at actual death rates between the two throughout the history of the conflict.

                    See how many orders of magnitude we’re talking in terms of Palestinian deaths compared to Israeli.

                    Then, look at the statistics about how many of those Israelis were civilians vs. how many of the Palestinians were. Percentage-wise.

                    The IDF is wantonly murdering Palestinian civilians all of the time. Usually they respond by attacking IDF soldiers. Until this event. In general, one side is targeting civilians and it ain’t Palestine.

            • prole
              19 months ago

              You’re confusing “defending,” with “explaining”

              • @Custodian1623
                09 months ago

                Anyone who unironically calls this “freedom fighting” is not merely explaining. Not happening in this comment chain but absolutely elsewhere on lemmy and social media

    • @Chunk
      09 months ago

      There is zero historical evidence outside the Bible for the enslavement of Jewish people. The Egyptian wrote down everything and there are no mentions of Jewish slaves and certainly no mention of locust, frogs, the Nile turning to blood, or the mass slaughter of children in the middle of the night.

      You can’t say that, it’s “impolite”, but it’s true.

      • @[email protected]
        29 months ago

        Getting down voted but this is factual.

        Egyptian slaves were, for the most part, from Africa.

        This whole myth comes from a debunked script from the first century CE called Antiquities of the Jews.

        Egypt never took slaves from Canaan, the historic site of proto-jews.