Tell us about your favourite character you played?

  • @edgemaster72
    2 years ago

    I guess this is my favorite kind of by default since it was almost certainly the longest lived character I’ve ever played, and one of the most recent, but here goes. It was a Hill Dwarf Arcane Trickster with a 1 level dip in the old UA Artificer with the Thunder Cannon (also a 1 level dip in Fighter for the UA close quarters shooter fighting style).

    He was the most suave swashbuckling Dwarf ever in the nautical campaign we were playing, really played him against type, or at least the usual Dwarf tropes I had utilized in past characters. The base damage of the cannon made up for the lost Sneak Attack progression and went along great with the aforementioned setting. Later got a scimitar of speed for when it was time to go swish swish stab, and if either of those failed, magic!