And does this unfairly paint them as less agreeable than they would be if you presented what they said with a normal voice?

  • 👁️👄👁️
    41 year ago

    Weird I’ve never done this, my inner monologue has one voice. Imo it’s a sign of immaturity.

    • Milady
      281 year ago

      iMo It’S a SiGn Of ImMaTuRiTy

      • credit crazy
        51 year ago

        A lOt oF pEoPlE tHiNk I mOkE tHeM bUt LiTtLe Do ThEy KNoW tHiS iS jUsT hOw I tAlK

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      My inner monologue does lots of voices. It does a great Christopher Walken. It also does a good Bill Cosby, especially when talking about pudding. I get offended when it uses Cosby’s voice because he’s no longer acceptable in society. My inner dialogue can’t keep up with changing times. It’s still saying “Where’s the beef”.