• Dojan
      39 months ago

      The eye is really creepy. Since you mentioned that you’re waiting for some features, are you planning some larger project to use these in, or are you mostly just testing to see what you can do?

      I’ve poked around with godot now and then, but I’m not particularly creative, and kind of lack motivation. It’s always really cool to see what others make.

      • insomniac_lemon
        9 months ago

        I’ve poked around with godot now and then, but I’m not particularly creative, and kind of lack motivation


        you mostly just testing to see what you can do?


        All I’ve really done is lurk both with Godot and programming. I have a narrow band of motivation, if I create anything it’ll be a great success.

        Lacking experience probably puts a long timeframe on actual content, and that is after the undetermined time of things falling into place. I’m just rolling with it. I have enough experience to know that I don’t have enough experience to realistically plan projects (not that I have anything specific in mind).

        I’ll probably post about it here in whatever community is most relevant.