When this happened Meg O’neil ran around town exclaiming how fearful she’d been. But the cops were there, at her house, waiting for the activists.

And whats happened since? Has the Woodside exec been hassled? I haven’t heard about anything more. The activists have though. Who should actually be afraid of who in this situation?

    • Nakedmole
      1 year ago

      You totally had me until you got offensive. Just like DogMuffins comment getting offensive is also not particularly constructive you know.

      • @[email protected]
        71 year ago

        I totally had you? Like I’m some tricksky little hobbitses that almost made you think taters was nice until I said a mean thing too?

        Their using offensive words wasn’t my main problem with their post, it was the suppressive dismissal of protestors, so you pointing out my hypocrisy of also being a meanypants doesn’t really bother me. The planet is dying, they’re mad that people are mad, and you’re mad I didn’t say “that’s a ridiculous position” in a nice enough way? K.

        • Nakedmole
          1 year ago

          Did you even read my comment to DogMuffins post? https://lemmy.world/comment/4341772

          I totally had you? Like I’m some tricksky little hobbitses that almost made you think taters was nice until I said a mean thing too?

          No not at all, I am mad (depressed would be more precise) about climate change as well and I do agree with you, except for the small offensive part at the end. I think I communicated that pretty clearly and you somehow misunderstood. You should calm down a little, I am not your enemy. I understand how angry you are because I was extremely angry too until being depressed about it became dominant. I just think that the tone people use on lemmy matters and I don´t like the toxic reddit style tone I am seeing here, that´s all.

          • @[email protected]
            41 year ago

            I’m sorry you’re feeling depressed, really. It can be depressing, what’s happening globaly. Your feelings are valid considering the circumstances, but I’m sorry they’re causing you pain. I hope you feel a sense of peace and renew your fighting spirit for Earth. I didn’t mean to mischaracterise which negative emotion you felt about the tone of my post, I should have been less specific when I said “mad”. Sorry for that.

            I do agree that tone is important, and my tone could have been better, you’re right. In fact, I’ve been warned I violated rule 2 in private by a mod. I’ve promised to try to do better. Hopefully this comment has kept to that promise but I’ll abide by whatever the mods decide.

            Tone is important, but content of the message is, in my opinion, more important than the tone. I don’t think you’re my enemy, I just think you’re letting the decor distract from the architecture and engineering.

            • Nakedmole
              11 year ago

              I´m happy we manged to turn this around. I wish you all the best!

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        What a thoughtful response. I really appreciate how you offered multiple points in which the protestors could improve their messaging. Your insightful critique is sure to bring success in combating man made climate change. Thank you for your help! ( Was that friendly enough, NakedMole?)

        • Nakedmole
          1 year ago

          Oh yes, well done! I wish I could upvote more than once and I am very proud of you! /s

          Seriously though - I asked the guy two hours ago

          Please describe what is effective climate change activism in your opinion, because I am unsure what you mean by that.

          The question was ignored, so the guy really seems to be just a troll unworthy of a discussion. I propose we just ignore him from now on.