Google made waves with the recent launch of its Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro on September 5th, and they are poised to hit the Indian market next week. In a flashback to February, when we provided an exclusive peek at the Google Pixel 8 Pro, our insights proved spot on. Now, we have the …
I wanted to go for it, but have seen not a positive news when it comes to longevity of OS support. What do they offer at the very moment? 2 years of OS upgrades?
I’m not the dude above but I did buy one and I’ve been having too many hardware issues to keep it. Bluetooth is really flaky, fingerprint reader works very infrequently, panel uniformity is worse than the pixel 2XL. Basically the only thing it has going for it is the software and form factor
Yup. My 4a is depreciated now, and all the new Pixels are over 6". I wish there were 5 to 5.5" phones that had any sort of power. The Xperia X Compact was perfect.
If it gets 7 years of software updates it might be my next phone, although I hate the absurdly big size.
I’d buy an “iPhone Mini” Android right now if some company had the balls to do it.
Same. I miss the size of the iPhone 4 and 5. I’ve got a pixel 6 and it’s just on the verge of too big.
Asus ZenFone?
I wanted to go for it, but have seen not a positive news when it comes to longevity of OS support. What do they offer at the very moment? 2 years of OS upgrades?
Yeah it’s 2 years of OS updates and apparently 4 years of security updates. That’s what’s making me reluctant to get one too.
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Would be interested to know if they bought one since it’s exactly what they are looking for.
I think that’s why small phones are going extinct; people are adamant they want one but don’t actually buy them.
I’m not the dude above but I did buy one and I’ve been having too many hardware issues to keep it. Bluetooth is really flaky, fingerprint reader works very infrequently, panel uniformity is worse than the pixel 2XL. Basically the only thing it has going for it is the software and form factor
That’s a shame, I was looking into getting one but if the hardware issues are widespread maybe not worth it
I’ve also got a pixel 6 and thing it is just too big. The iPhone X was on the verge, pixels have been too big since the 5a.
Loved my 5a
One of the founders of pebble is supposedly making one, the target price is $800 though which is too much for me.
Let’s go!
Yup. My 4a is depreciated now, and all the new Pixels are over 6". I wish there were 5 to 5.5" phones that had any sort of power. The Xperia X Compact was perfect.
I still have my Pixel 2 regular.
I think it’s time to let small phones go. You want small phones, I want keyboard phones. None of us are going to get what we want.