I’ve been absolutely loving treesitter. It’s come a long way and it’s been absolutely great for things like folds, motions, highlights of course. Now that I’ve finally gotten familiar with writing my own queries I can extend the existing plugins. As an example I’ve added folds to blocks of multiple consecutive comments in JS and Ruby.

What are some of your favorites?

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    My favorite plugins:

    • telescope (file searching, diagnostic listing…)
    • vim-surround
    • vim-signify

    I use a couple others, but those are really important to my workflow.

    • @yadsOP
      11 year ago

      I just switched to nvim-surround for the treesitter support. The only thing that I miss from vim-surround is that it leaves blank lines if you remove braces on some code that looks like:

        foo: 'bar',