hello Portland folks, I am attending a conference in downtown Portland OR in late October. I’m staying an extra day to get some hiking done. My plan is to go to the airport and rent a cheap car, go to wherever you recommend for some good day hiking, and return to the airport for a late (9 pm) flight out. Any suggestions? any places to avoid?

  • @pdxfed
    49 months ago

    Look up the Columbia Gorge; it’s a Fantasyland for hikers and is easy to access from NE Portland where the airport is.

    Multnomah Falls is the big name and draw but there are absolutely buckets of little hikes to be had, many of which also have waterfalls if that’s your thing.


    • @NightAuthor
      28 months ago

      Wife and I went out on a trek in that area, there are definitely some longer hikes connecting multiple falls through the hills.