• Kras Mazov
    81 year ago

    I don’t know how autism affects your life but I can speak for myself and I know it can be tough, executive dysfuntion has been beating my ass hard for a few years at this point.

    Still, I do not think I’m broken because of it, years of conditioning by a society that doesn’t give a shit about us and want us to do as much or more than everyone else while also laughing at us really fucks me up, even while being aware of these expectations and lack of structural support.

    Also, I wouldn’t consider myself really me without the special interests and obsessions I had throughout my life and the ways I have talked and expressed it.

    What I have just said most likely won’t change anything in your life, but I just wanted to aknowledge how hard it can be while also showing a little bit of what makes me happy about my experience being autistic. I hope for the best for you, friend.