• Hamas duped Israel into thinking it cared more about economic stability than a war, Reuters said.

  • Meanwhile, it was practicing for an attack in plain sight, the report said.

  • Hamas trained its fighters on a mock Israeli settlement, learning how to storm it, Reuters added.


The Palestinian militant group Hamas built a mock Israeli town in Gaza and practiced attacking in plain sight — but Israel didn’t react, Reuters reported on Sunday.

Hamas militants launched a surprise offensive on Israel on Saturday, in what has been described as the worst breach in Israel’s defenses in decades.

The attack followed a careful campaign of deception by Hamas that ensured Israel was caught off guard over the weekend, an unnamed source, with connections to the group, told Reuters.

Despite convincing Israel that they had no interest in war, Hamas militants were practicing for the offensive in plain sight by setting up a mock Israeli settlement in Gaza to train its fighters.

  • @Riccosuave
    241 year ago

    There is a difference between QUESTIONING a narrative and ASSERTING a cause or motivation.

    Are you actually suggesting that there is no appropriate time in which to question if there is institutional corruption or an organized conspiracy within the government?

      • @Riccosuave
        1 year ago

        Hey, I hear that Ricosuave user might be a pedophile. I don’t have any concrete evidence, but don’t you think they might be the kind of person to diddle kids? I mean, I am not asserting anything, just asking.

        The difference is that you have absolutely zero evidence (circumstantial or otherwise) that would lead you to raise this question about me in good faith or engage in such loaded speculation.

        The same cannot be said for government level inaction or malice that leads to the deaths of its own citizens in order to justify its own ends. We have MOUNTAINS of direct evidence that this can and does happen.

        Just because SOME people make illogical leaps into conspiracy theory naval gazing does not mean that we just shouldn’t question the transactional nature of any government narratives when bad things happen.

        Stupid people are going to have stupid ideas regardless, and that should not stop the rest of us from maintaining our skepticism and using common sense when evaluating the progression of history as it is unfolding before us.

          • @Riccosuave
            1 year ago


            JESUS H FUCKING CHRIST, Nobody ever said it was a “false flag” you absolute fucking goon. All these conspiracy buzzwords were entered into the conversation or equation BY YOU. You are attempting to place the “tinfoil hat” on everyone’s head, and then screaming SEE I GOT YA.

            No, no you didn’t. You are just arguing in bad faith because for whatever reason that is your modus operandi.