But F the poor I guess

    • @Limeey
      181 year ago

      The rich can only “create jobs” because we have an economic and political system that skews reward toward investment rather than labor. Both are important, but let’s not pretend that anyone can earn a billions without excessive wage theft from the people doing the actual labor.

      • @[email protected]
        -151 year ago

        It’s just supply and demand we have very few entrepreneurs while a tone of uneducated workers, obviously they are going to get paid less, they took 0 risks investment side

        • dtc
          1 year ago

          Funny how the ceo couldn’t assume and financial risk towards better safety measures, eh?

          Like when his engineers recommended them and got shitcanned for it.

          Achieving safety goals is for the poors.

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      I up voted you because you aren’t wrong. At least in the sense of sweat shops. May not be good jobs, but they do technically count as jobs.

      • @[email protected]
        -81 year ago

        Not only sweat shops, if there is a little of human rights they can create pretty good working conditions and with competition salary rise up

        • @Limeey
          11 year ago

          You’re kidding yourself if you think any investor would pay more than the absolutely minimum for labor. That’s the issue, regulatory capture impedes labor rights and lets investors and capitalists exploit workers by doing the absolute minimum and nothing more. Any more, and another capitalist can come in and undercut and steal business.

          This is why strong labor protections, efficient regulation, and competent governance is an absolute necessity to the growth and wellbeing of citizens beyond “the wealthy”

    • @Earthwormjim91
      41 year ago

      The wealthy don’t “create” anything. Consumer demand creates jobs. Workers create the products and the value.

      The only thing the wealthy have is the capital, which they gain by siphoning off the excess value the laborers create.