• @[email protected]
    101 year ago

    Minkälainen viestinvaihto teillä oli, mitä u/modcodeofconduct (oletettavasti) tarkalleen ottaen sanoi?

    I alla fall, arkar på svenska är jätte intressant!

    • Santafio
      1 year ago

      Poistin vahingossa ensimmäisen vastauksen… Mämmikoura…


      Hi everyone,

      We are aware that you have chosen to close your community at this time. Mods have a right to take a break from moderating, or decide that you don’t want to be a mod anymore. But active communities are relied upon by thousands or even millions of users, and we have a duty to keep these spaces active.

      Subreddits belong to the community of users who come to them for support and conversation. Moderators are stewards of these spaces and in a position of trust. Redditors rely on these spaces for information, support, entertainment, and connection.

      Our goal here is to ensure that existing mod teams establish a path forward to make sure your subreddit is available for the community that has made its home here. If you are willing to reopen and maintain the community, please take steps to begin that process. Many communities have chosen to go restricted for a period of time before becoming fully open, to avoid a flood of traffic.

      If this community remains private, we will reach out soon with information on what next steps will take place.



      fuck u/spez

      Best Regards, r/arkisuomi moderator team A subreddit about arks in Finland for Swedish speaking Finns



      We have reopened the subreddit and I will have a stern discussion with /u/Geronimou about his language use! Bästa regards and have a gööd midsommar all admins!


        • Santafio
          31 year ago

          Aa, voi saakeli, niin näyttää! Joo, suuri kiitos tiedosta!

    • @apinanaivotOP
      1 year ago

      Sama juttu /r/mina_irl:ssä, siellä päädyin siihen, että subreddit avautuu, mutta siellä saa postata ainoastaan samaa kuvaa apinasta samalla otsikolla, ja kaikkien kommenttien pitää olla “Ha ha haa!”.

      Varmaan Reddit jossain vaiheessa poistaa moderaattorioikeuteni, mutta en usko, että he löytävät helposti moderaattoreita, jotka voivat ylläpitää samanlaista tasoa. Viime vuoden aikana olen tehnyt 800+ moderaattoritehtävää arkisuomessa, ja joinain kuukausina jopa 10% kaikista kommenteista on pitänyt poistaa (ihmisillä on vaikeuksia olla puhumatta politiikasta).

      • @Hrrz
        21 year ago

        No kuinka hyvät tai huonot Lemmyn moderointikalut sitten on, koska siitä tässä kaikessa ainakin väitetään olevan kyse? Käyttäjäkokemus on ainakin aikalailla kökömpi toistaiseksi kuin Redditissä millään apilla.

      • @Syanide
        11 year ago

        Eiköhän siellä ole suunnitelmissa käyttää GPTä tai jotain muuta suurta AI kielimallia moderointiin.

    • Santafio
      1 year ago


      Hi everyone,

      We are aware that you have chosen to close your community at this time. Mods have a right to take a break from moderating, or decide that you don’t want to be a mod anymore. But active communities are relied upon by thousands or even millions of users, and we have a duty to keep these spaces active.

      Subreddits belong to the community of users who come to them for support and conversation. Moderators are stewards of these spaces and in a position of trust. Redditors rely on these spaces for information, support, entertainment, and connection.

      Our goal here is to ensure that existing mod teams establish a path forward to make sure your subreddit is available for the community that has made its home here. If you are willing to reopen and maintain the community, please take steps to begin that process. Many communities have chosen to go restricted for a period of time before becoming fully open, to avoid a flood of traffic.

      If this community remains private, we will reach out soon with information on what next steps will take place.

      u/Geronimou Hi,

      fuck u/spez

      Best Regards, r/arkisuomi moderator team A subreddit about arks in Finland for Swedish speaking Finns

      u/apinanaivot Herregud!

      We have reopened the subreddit and I will have a stern discussion with /u/Geronimou about his language use! Bästa regards and have a gööd midsommar all admins!
