• @archonet
    401 year ago

    I love how only now are people realizing reddit is dogshit, it’s been rotten at the core for a while. The end of Secret Santa marked the last bit of soul the site had.

    • NotAFuckingBot
      221 year ago

      When Victoria was shit-canned, that opened my eyes, and I didn’t like what I saw.

      • @archonet
        1 year ago

        Oh for sure, there were signs for a long time, but it was when they canned Secret Santa that it told me there were no more allowances for fun in the company, even if it barely cost them anything, even if it was just during one fiscal quarter, nope, no room for that – they had to make room for precious shareholders and profit.

        The writing’s been on the wall a long time, and watching people who didn’t expect it by now run around like headless chickens because “EEEEK REDDIT IS A SOULLESS CORPORATION” is a laugh riot.