How do y’all cope with this

  • @Madison420
    -11 year ago

    Farming to prove yourself the intellectual authority is enough evidence that you are in fact not the intellectual authority. It’s that perceived power vs actual power issue again.

    Your advice as what? Certainly not the intellectual authority.

    • @WaxedWookie
      11 year ago

      As the established intellectual authority here, who was handed this status without the need for violence, there’s nothing for me to add. You proved me right.

      So long, intellectual peasant.

      • @Madison420
        -11 year ago

        Hah thank you for proving my point.

        I made you the intellectual authority thus I have the actual power and you have presumed power.

        Do betterer

        • @WaxedWookie
          11 year ago

          Are we still talking about the authority was granted to me without force (proving you wrong), and retained in a similar fashion (proving you wrong again) as you’ve tossed away any credibility or claim to the mantle with self-contradiction (rendering your claim to intellectual authority laughable).

          Keep at it, peasant - You’ve done nothing but prove me right so far. If the use of actual force to kill me wouldn’t make your self-contradiction any more correct or your claim to the mantle any more valid, brute-force insistence certainly won’t - it only continues to strengthen my claim.

          • @Madison420
            -11 year ago

            You deferred to me as your source of authority thus I can only logical be a higher authority. Exercise your authority, order me to admit I’m wrong. Logic boss use some.

            • @WaxedWookie
              11 year ago

              You immediately proved yourself wrong when you handed me that authority without force, and you’ve failed to take it back through force or rhetoric - you’ve only cemented my position further.

              Unless you’ve got a new point to make, we’re done here - I’ve got king shit to do.

              • @Madison420
                -11 year ago

                I cannot hand you authority, it is by definition taken out surmounted. Notably I cannot hand you something I am not entitled to give from a position of authority.

                You presume yourself King, but that was proclaimed by God.

                • @WaxedWookie
                  1 year ago

                  When I asked for a new line of argumentation, I didn’t mean for you to stack pseudo-religious babble on top of the self-contradiction. That isn’t the path to intellectual authority any more than force is.


                  Grug beat Einstein with stick, Grug intellectual authority on speshul regabibity now.

                  Hitler genocided the Jews. Thanks to that exercise of extreme force, Hitler is the moral authority on genocide, and all his actions were A-OK.

                  So dumb.

                  • @Madison420
                    -11 year ago

                    Just use that intellectual authority to realize it’s a metaphor. You lost, stop crying.

                    You’re literally referring to me to attempt to assert your authority. Use that heavy thing above your shoulders, if I gave you authority clearly I have higher authority to do so.

                    The rest is you my crying, try harder.