• PatFusty
    1 year ago

    How would that realistically look like without Isreal waging war with almost the entire Middle East?

    The ‘middle ground’ for Hamas is “kill all the jews in their land and destroy the Israeli state”.

    Edit: how about instead of merely downvoting you guys respond with a thought of a potential solution that doesnt end with Israel getting completely butt fucked. This whole invasion was just an exercise for people brainstorm on how to shit on Israel regardless of the outcome.

    • NoIWontPickaName
      71 year ago

      Here’s one way to start. Israel pulls back to its agreed upon boundaries and stops encroaching on others.

      • PatFusty
        1 year ago

        Hamas wants all of Israeli territory. The PLO is fighting to regain the property it had prior to 1917. Do you really think that Israel not pushing back is a “good enough” solution? What borders do you think the Palestenians will be content with when like 70% of their land had been effectively taken.

        • @fubo
          61 year ago

          The PLO is fighting to regain the property it had prior to 1917.

          The PLO didn’t have any land in 1917, as it didn’t exist until 1963.

          • PatFusty
            21 year ago

            Sorry I meant the peoples of Palestine not the organization made as a retaliation to anti palestanian nationalism.

        • NoIWontPickaName
          41 year ago

          It’s a first step. Can you really be mad at someone whose land was given away by someone else and then the people it was given to keep stealing more.

          Straight up, i don’t see why Israel is a country still.

          • PatFusty
            1 year ago

            I understand that Israel was kind of just given the land but thats ancient history now. Hamas has said anyone and everyone in Israel is an enemy because of some stupid ancestral ties… Would you prefer all the zionist jews to pack up and leave? There is no middle ground. At this point its either all the jews in Israel are killed or palestine/ lebanon /jordan/ etc accept that Israel needs to be left alone.

            I am on the complete opposite side of you. I believe Hamas is a terrorist and anyone that thinks that their actions are justified are getting brainwashed.

            • NoIWontPickaName
              11 year ago

              Oh no, what happened was 100% a terrorist attack and not justified.

              Short term, The middle ground is to retreat back to the land that was stolen and given to you, all land that has changed hands since then is put under international control as a buffer state DMZ.

              Long term, improve living conditions in Gaza and the West Bank while using the DMZ to allow people to safely mix and learn more about each other while forming new positive relationship.

              I grant you that it is a hard solution, and it will probably only happen after someone detonates a nuke and the international community stands together and does it by force.

              It’s a benevolent dictatorship situation and the only way to stop the bloodshed is with so much of a third party in between that extremists on both sides are afraid to do anything so as not to bring the hamner of god down upon them.

    • You claim Israel to wage war against almost thr entire middle east. That is just ludicrious. Where are the Syrian, Jordanian, Lebanese, Iraqi, Egyptian, Saudi, Quatari, Kuwaiti, Omari, Jemeni, Lybian, Algerian, Tunisian, Moroccan, Sudanese and Iranian forces?

      The best that can be claimed is Israel being at war with Hamas now and having had skirmishes with Hezbollah and Iran, albeit these were entirely Israeli attacks in Iran.

    • fkn
      51 year ago

      The reality of the current situation is that Palestine is probably going to cease to exist… And you are asking about a solution where Israel doesn’t cease to exist?

      I’m confused.

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      The ‘middle ground’ for Hamas is “kill all the jews in their land and destroy the Israeli state”.

      In the original charter Hamas doesn’t even mention the Jewish people, they just say they want the Palestinian land back. And in the updated charter Hamas agrees to the 1967 borders and a 2 state system.

      It’s the PIJ who hasn’t accepted a 2 state system.

      • PatFusty
        1 year ago

        I understand that Hamas tried to fool the world with the charter revision but lets look back at the classics. Classics such as

        “The Jews are the most despicable and contemptible nation to crawl upon the face of the Earth, because they have displayed hostility to Allah. Allah will kill the Jews in the hell of the world to come, just like they killed the believers in the hell of this world.” - Atallah Abu Al-Subh, 2011


        “The movement participates in politics and diplomacy and all types of work, but it insists on the choice of jihad and resistance. This choice is Hamas’s greater and first strategy… This is Hamas. Hamas is not changing its skin.” - Khaled Mashaal, 2017

        Or what about this great one

        “The Jews are the cancer spreading all over the world…the Jews are a virus like AIDS hitting humankind…Jews are responsible for all wars and conflicts” - Sheik Ibrahim Mudeiris, 2005

        How about this

        “There are Jews everywhere. We must attack every Jew on planet Earth! We must slaughter and kill them, with Allah’s help. We will lacerate and tear them to pieces.” - Fathi Hammad, 2019

        Theres just so many to pick from

        “the Quran tells us to remove the jews in their entirety… Removing the Jews from the land they occupied in 1948 is an immutable principle because it appears in the Book of Allah.” - Mahmoud Zatar, 2017

        Do you honestly think the real goal is to move back to the green line or is it to just overthrow all of Israel and basically mass murder of Jews?

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          I appreciate the sources

          1st quote talks about the nation and not the Jewish peoples. “God will punish you in the afterlife” is not an actionable threat.

          2nd quote is a response to an assassination an Israeli spy was eventually tried and allegedly confessed. If you’re not racist “jihad” just means “fighting”. Again nothing about “Kill all jews”

          3rd quote How is this dude connected to Hamas? I can’t even find evidence of him being alive after 2006. This quote is gross and I won’t defend it but I ask that people keep in mind the context, Gaza was being invaded by Israel, not the other way around.

          4th quote is from an unreliable far right news organization with a history of lying to support Israel and make Muslims look bad. Here is a more reliable source where Hamas condemns Hammad’s words https://www.haaretz.com/middle-east-news/palestinians/2019-07-16/ty-article/hamas-rebuffs-leaders-call-for-worldwide-attacks-on-jews/0000017f-db37-db22-a17f-ffb70cac0000

          5th quote is not actually featured verbatim in the article. You paraphrased everything before the “…”. But again it’s just saying Hamas wants the land back and came a month before the new charter