The broadcaster quoted an unnamed senior official as saying that Tel Aviv has decided to continue carrying out attacks on Gaza “forcefully and on a large scale, even at the expense of harming the [Jewish] prisoners being held in Gaza.”

“We have indications that Iran has pushed Hamas to take action and is pushing Hezbollah to prepare for battle,” the official said, adding that “if there is accurate intelligence information about the location of the […] prisoners, of course [our neocolony] will refrain from attacking this site, but as long as there is no such information, all Hamas targets will be attacked.”

I was right.

First they came for the Palestinians, and then they’ll come for Jews.

  • Anarcho-BolshevikOP
    9 months ago

    Because the Zionist régime has backed the Palestinians into a corner. The Zionist rulers don’t want to talk, they don’t want to return Palestinian land, they don’t want to raise Palestinian living standards or upgrade them to first‐class citizens, so the Palestinians don’t have any options left but to (figuratively as well as literally) throw whatever they can to get out of the corner. They are desperate. The Zionists are not.

    It’s an awful situation, but the Zionist rulers were the ones who set the stage for it, and if you ask me, they’re merely reaping what they’ve sown.

    • @rdri
      9 months ago

      So what you’re telling is that Palestinians are prevented from living their lives normally, and from building and creating anything they might need to prosper? That they need some extra lands in order to start living normally? That they need someone other than themselves in order to be upgraded to first-class citizens? Seems absurd. Even if we imagine they are correct in requiring more land, resorting to terrorism in order to acquire it not only automatically means failure, but also guarantees that no good future will come to such a nation.

      The Palestinians are not some magic force, they are people too. So they are, too, going to reap what they’ve sown by starting this useless violence.

      • @[email protected]
        59 months ago

        Liberation struggles are not terrorism. The oppressed using violence to end their oppression is a right enshrined in international law by the UN.

        What are you really trying to argue with this comment?

        • @rdri
          -39 months ago

          The ignorance, probably. When you do terrorism, get ready to have a bad time. No one in their sane mind will listen to you. Especially if you are going to resort to something like “we were forced to do terrorism!”

          • diegeticscream [all]
            39 months ago

            When you do colonialism, get ready to have a bad time. No one in their sane mind will listen to you. Especially if you are going to resort to something like “we were forced to do colonialism!”.

            Decolonization is violent. If you don’t like it, don’t colonize.

            • @rdri
              19 months ago

              Are you saying a decolonization is taking place somewhere now? Do you seriously think the Palestinians were like “we are going to decolonize ourselves and we will succeed in that by killing civilians”?